
Globes live on Twitter, Part 1: First you have to get there

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On Sunday, the Ministry of Gossip (in the form of Matt Donnelly and myself) set out to live-tweet and live-blog the Golden Globe Awards, with the help of L.A. Times reporter Geoff ‘Hero Complex’ Boucher and Denise ‘Show Tracker’ Martin and Amy Kaufman (videographer) from the team at

The results of the live blog can be found here, but the live tweet was going to be lost to the ether -- unless we captured it here. So if you’re not a Twitter person, this is your chance to see how the conversation goes during a live tweet. And if you do dig Twitter but don’t follow @LATcelebs or weren’t watching the day of the show, here’s what you missed.


We all had a lot of fun -- special thanks go to the followers who joined the conversation!

(Quick cheat sheet: If you’re new to Twitter lingo, Matt and I signed our tweets at the end of each one. Anyone talking to us, their screen name is in bold before their comment. And ‘RT’ means that the person ‘retweeted’ the original commenting -- meaning they forwarded it on to their group of followers. Words in brackets were added after the fact for clarity. Text in italics is from me, after the fact.)

10:00 a.m.: We’ll be live-blogging the Golden Globes with 140-plus characters at the Ministry of Gossip, /cdz


10:00: And I’ll probably be pre-tweeting while I’m in traffic, security, all that! /cdz

10:02: Tweets from Christie D’Zurilla will be signed /cdz. Tweets from Matt Donnelly will be signed /matt. (Clever, ya?) We’ll also use #Globes!

10:04: Live-tweeting Golden Globes from the show, behind the scenes, at parties, starting 2 p.m.-ish./cdz

10:06: Also: Ministry of Gossip (that’s us) works on West Coast time! So that’s 2 p.m. PST

10:11 jpenaz: and who was that tweet from? There was no signature. I’m so confused.

10:44: If you have any #globes questions, sent us an @ message ... no guarantees, but we’ll try to respond! (I say this now, right? Ha!) /cdz


10:44 @jpenaz You know, missy, if I could reach thru the interwebs ... :) /cdz

10:56 KStewsShoes: @LATcelebs Is there going to be an Eclipse trailer there? There’s been rumors.

11:21 LATcelebs RT @oliviawilde: WE ARE AUCTIONING OFF OUR GOLDEN GLOBE DRESSES FOR HAITI! me, meryl streep, jenna fischer, amy poehler, gerard butler, and more!

11:30: BTW, this is the Ministry of Gossip’s first #globes, so excuse plz if we’re not 100% blase. (Yes, this is a Goofiness Warning)/cdz

11:31 LATcelebs RT @oliviawilde: i will also steal as much silverware as possible to add to the auction.

12:35 p.m.: Will these shoes be a bad call? Only time will tell /cdz
12:48: - Almost ready to leave ...

12:50: have to work on my pose, I think / cdz

12:52 vi_rox: @LATcelebs Cute dog!

1:03 kris_cunningham: Nice dress. And of course, the Q of the day... Who are you wearing?

1:04 trismac: i love your dress!

1:14: Glee soundtrack for the ride ... /cdz #globes

1:15 kcramr14: Nice dress! Who are you wearing?

1:26 p.m.:

1:41: Rain!!

1:57: Security strict but very polite (does it get cuter than FBI?). Holding in the car brfly /cdz


2:02: - MOG’s very own Matt Donnelly -- foxy! /cdz

2:03: Delay is while they manage drop-off ‘so fans don’t get in your car.” I’m so flattered! (I don’t think they’re doing it for me.) /cdz

2:06: Am advised Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, Rashida Jones will be wearing Prada/cdz

Turns out Nicole was wearing Miu Miu.

2:07: Headed 2 Bev Hilton for the big show. Gray and drizzly. I’m sure there’s a ‘hurt locker gonna make it raaaain’ joke in there somewhere / Matt

2:09 @kcramr14: Um, Macy’s? My shoes are Pella Moda.

2:16: - The shoes that might kill me /cdz

2:25 msericarox: LA Times twitters the experience of covering Golden Globes: actually, kind of fascinating. Follow @LATcelebs

-- Christie D’Zurilla

Click here to continue to Part 2: Onto the red carpet, into the breach
