
Globes live on Twitter, Part 2: On the carpet, into the breach

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The Ministry of Gossip tweets from the Golden Globes -- continued. Click here to return to Part 1.

Security was super-efficient except for one thing -- unknown to me, I’d been given red parking pass instructions to go with my not-red-carpet blue parking pass. And I wasn’t the only one. Despite having followed instructions and being ushered through a couple of checkpoints, I and one other car were right up at the head of the line aimed for red-carpet drop-offs -- where we were not supposed to be.


Momentary panic on my part. I have issues with authority. Like, it scares me and makes me spontaneously perspire and breathe rapidly.

No matter. The on-site team handled it quickly and efficiently, and all of a sudden I’m at the end of the red carpet, no umbrella, trying to get to where I’m supposed to be instead of where I wound up. Matt was on his way in on a shuttle bus with the rest of the media who would be back in the press room.

2:30 p.m.: On the red carpet after running thru the rain ... So much media here. Scared a foreign camera crew [that was] wondering if I’m anyone (no)/cdz


2:38: Does that woman know her butt shows thru that dress? /cdz 2:39 liveforthesun: Nooo! Who is it? I think it was someone wrangling for a Latin American TV station or program, actually. I had to look away/cdz

2:43: Studio types are all talking football scores on the shuttle /Matt

2:44: Expect to see lots of red blue yellow ribbons supporting Haiti relief. Dozens so far /cdz

2:47 emscharitykiss [re shoes that could kill me]: nice way to go though!! x

2:47: Just met Amber Riley of Glee -- she is lovely. Advises auditioners to be confident ahead of time and really really know all ur lines/cdz


2:53: Shook hands w/Chris Colfer of Glee til he was whisked away by E! Made a fool of myself. But it was worth it. /cdz

2:57 vi_rox: The Glee cast are awesome!

3:01 ajoedean: ehh, I wouldn’t worry about it too much! Enjoy the evening :)

3:01: Heading into hotel before I get booted from red carpet/cdz

3:06: Just passed LUMINOUS Edie Falco, smiling and looking beautiful in a brown/purple strapless number /Matt

Somewhere in here I swear that I tweeted, ‘OMG there’s a woman here in my same dress.’ But I might’ve just blurted that out to Matt, in abject horror, when I ran into him in the lobby. At any rate, this is when the Dress Saga began, with my witnessing of Same Dress/cdz

3:26 via twitterfeed: Golden Globe Awards 2010: The live blog! (Live tweets too.)

3:28: Am in the ballroom now... Nobody seated, lots of mingling, some sort of salad involving tomato and maybe eggplant awaits?/cdz

It was actually ‘garden herb crusted fresh mozzarella with grilled eggplant on vine ripened tomato and arugula radish salad.’

3:40: Just had a weird fiction-within-reality moment as Rex Lee/Lloyd walked by, but Jeremy Piven/Ari was nowhere near./cdz

3:41: Relief -- Same Dress is seated across room./cdz 3:43: Just joked w/Same Dress. She seems nice!

3:46: BTW, Moet has provided these cute bottles of Champagne w/ gold flutes attached, to drink from bottle while mingling. Looks like it works. /cdz

3:48: Wow, salads getting cleared w/o anyone taking a bite.. Color me naïve. /cdz.

3:54: Lisa Edelstein of House is tiny and beautiful and looks fit enough that she could snap a person in half if she so desired./cdz

3:56 via twitterfeed: Golden Globes: Live from the red carpet


3:56: Just talked to Mad Men’s Elizabeth Moss. She’s eventually changing her last name to Armisen, taking her new husband Fred‘s. /Matt

3:58: Sat down and they immed tried to feed me. Standing up again.../cdz

Dinner, of which I scarfed up about half, was shot ribs, sea bass and veggies. Dessert -- gold-accented chocolate confections with one that looked like an edible ‘and the winner is’ envelope -- went to co-worker Denise, who didn’t come off the red carpet until after meal service was over. She’d been with Amy, interviewing and helping shoot the videos you see linked throughout this feed. I think Amy may have starved.

4:02: Ricky Gervais is in the ballroom! /cdz

4:18: Jon Hamm didn’t shave the beard for Globes. What will it take, Jon? Fine. Ill hang out with you./Matt

4:25: There goes Mickey Rourke with a cowboy hat and a statuesque blond./cdz

4:29: Really, Mariah, with the cleve? /Matt

4:30 KNXDavid: don’t be hatin’ :)

4:32: cdz @vi_rox Amber and Chris were so nice!

4:33: Announcement -- plz be seated, 30 min to show time. This should be interesting .... /cdz

4:34: cdz @KNXDavid re Mickey? Its a COOL hat!!

4:35: It appears that no one, talent or TV hosts, can quite handle their umbrellas. /Matt

4:36: Therrre’s Jeremy Piven./cdz

4:41: Kiefer Sutherland chatting, hearing from folks, ‘I have my DVR set for tonight!’ (24 premiere, and the Ministry’s is set as well.) /cdz

4:42: OMG Paul McCartney. I did not expect to gasp, but I did./cdz

4:46 Fergie and Josh Duhamel, holding hands. Her purple dress is perfection. He has a Haiti ribbon./cdz

4:47 Gabby Sidibe enters the ballroom to a small burst of cheers... /cdz

4:48 Turtle/cdz

That was when Jerry Ferrara of ‘Entourage’ cruised by. Turtle sightings continued through the evening, but this was the fun one./cdz

4:49 ranalynn: Just wanna say thanks for the updates. Now, I know what to expect when the Golden Globes air in Hawaii. :-)

I still can’t tell if @ranalynn was being serious, or telling me ‘thanks for the spoilers, jerk.’ Hmm./cdz

4:50 KNXDavid [re Mickey Rourke’s hat and ‘don’t be hatin’’]: and a hot date!! No...I was referring to Mariah taking the whole ‘Globes’ thing a little too literally........4:50: Whoops. LAT photog almost runs over Mariah Carey/cdz

4:51 TheTVJunkie: he probably tripped on her cleavage

4:51: Tom Hanks and George Clooney enter -- ‘You first!’ ‘No, you first.’ Cute./cdz

4:53: Lights keep dimming. They may be serious./cdz

4:55: This one is for my friend Steve -- Emily Blunt just walked by, and I will remember her forever./cdz

My co-worker Steve and I had a running discussion of Emily in the days leading up to the Golden Globes; I was telling him that I can remember her voice and roles perfectly, but if I see a picture of her out of context, I can’t recognize her face. Some sort of weird mental blind spot. He looked at me as if I were insane. Anyway, as this actress in a romantic, lacy gown walks by, I turn to Denise and ask, ‘Who is that? I know I know her, but...’ The answer -- duh, Emily Blunt, of course -- cracked me up./cdz


4:59: cdz @TheTVJunkie, re cause of Mariah-photog near miss: my lips are sealed/cdz

5:00 TheTVJunkie: you can DM me, I can keep a secret

-- Christie D’Zurilla

Click here to continue to Part 3: Showtime and sandwiches.
