
‘Más Sabe el Diablo’: Are all the secretos out?

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There’s one thing in ‘Más Sabe el Diablo’ that distracts me more than a shirtless JenCarlos Canela: repetition. No estoy hablando about that terrible music that plays each time there’s a loving moment -- though, eso es una gran distracción. And I’m not even talking about all the purple clothing items. The distraction comes in one word: imbécil. I’m tempted to start keeping a tally of its usage at this point. It’s main user is Martin Acero. Ese hombre no puede pronunciar una frase without sprinkling in that insult in some way. Y me encanta more than you know. Cuando estoy in need of un buen insulto -- say, the dude at Starbucks got my order wrong or the car in front of me is driving too slowly -- I find that ‘imbécil’ is always the way to go. Siempre.

And the word got plenty of air time in this week’s worth of episodes. With all the OMG! moments, I found myself yelling it para expresar mi sorpresa.


A breakdown:

-- Anibal tells Virginia that she’ll get ownership of his empire once he retires ... if she breaks up with Jimmy. Entonces, ¿qué hace ella? She moves in with him! In Brooklyn.

-- Topo’s sueños finalmente se hacen realidad. He and Perla ... uh ... consumate their relationship. He’s in lala land. But she’s regretting it. Big time. And thinks moving out is the best decision. Pobre Topo tiene el corazón roto. He even asks Ángel to take the day off so they could talk. Do guys do that?

-- Manuela is still trying to get Ángel to nurture his artistic side by showing his drawings to her artist friend. I’m just glad she didn’t show the one Ángel drew of his mother that hangs in their apartment. Es muy feo! Ángel, por su parte, está molesto porque she is still pushing the art thing. Pero that wears off, se besan, y todo está bien otra vez.


And then things get eye-bulging good.

-- Ángel gets suspicious of who El Hierro is after he spots Marina wearing the bracelet Manuela lost. Cuando Perla le dice a Ángel que Marina tiene un cuadro de El Hierro en su teléfono, yo estaba on my knees in suspenso. It almost seemed like Perla wouldn’t be able to swipe the phone to give to Ángel. But she did. And he saw the pictur, and . . . dun-dun-DUN! . . . It’s Martin!

Espere. It gets better.

Martin sigue su rampage to find out who Manuela’s new novio is. Tiene dudes esperando día y la noche fuera de su apartamento y following her every move. Remember how Ángel was mad at Manuela about the art thing? And how they kissed and made up? Well, they kissed and made up at a park. En público. With Martin’s spy nearby snapping pics! The secret is out. She’s dating her messenger. Imbécil!

Wait. It gets better!

Martin sends his spy to, well, spy on Ángel. No pasa mucho tiempo antes before the dude realizes that Ángel is el Diablo ... the brains behind Leon’s gang! Martin, feeling like an imbécil, está furioso y piensa León está detrás de todo. So he has Leon beaten up. A confused Leon tries to make his case y finalmente pone dos y dos: Manuela es el abogado que consiguió Ángel de la cárcel.

And it gets even better!!!

Manuela decides to surprise Ángel in his area, which means showing up to the bar donde él y sus amigos pasan la mayor parte de su tiempo. ‘Yikes’ was both my reaction and Ángel’s. Would she find out who he really is? She, after all, learned he goes by the name ‘Diablo.’ And it didn’t help that jealous Cachorro was there. Pero Ángel es seguro ... por ahora.


Suspiro. So much to take in.

So Show Trackers, what did you think? Did you expect so many secrets to be revealed all at once? How long before Jimmy finds out who Ángel really is?

-- Yvonne Villarreal
