
Pacific Palisades : Conservancy Hearing Set on Plans for Park

The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy will conduct a public hearing on design plans for Lower Temescal Canyon Park tonight at 6:30 at the Van Nuys State Building, 6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys.

Conservancy consultant Ruth Galanter said the staff will present a plan for the realignment and improvement of the portion of Temescal Canyon Road on park property.

If the changes are approved, the staff will prepare a preliminary master plan showing how the park, situated on 22 acres north of Sunset Boulevard, will be developed. Galanter said the plans include two major trails and a number of shorter, looped paths about a quarter-mile long; two levels of parking to accommodate 100 cars; an information center, and interpretive signs along the hiking paths.


Community groups have been concerned that park plans will spur further development of the canyon area, where two other large projects have been proposed. The proposals include the remodeling and expansion of the Presbyterian Conference Center and a YMCA recreational facility.

Galanter said the park will not encourage more development, although it will draw visitors from outside the Palisades area. She said the park is important because it serves as a gateway from a heavily urbanized area to one of the largest public holdings in the Santa Monica Mountains.

The state purchased the parkland from the Los Angeles Unified School District two years ago.
