
Willis C. Blakeslee New Head of S. I. R. Chapter

Willis C. Blakeslee of Penta Pacific Properties has been installed as 1985 president of the Southern California chapter of the Society of Industrial Realtors, succeeding James E. Collins of Collins Fuller Corp. of Irvine.

Installed with him were William M. Schnee of Ashwill/Schnee, Santa Monica, vice president; Kim R. Shirley of Crookall, Shirley & Co., Santa Ana, secretary, and Jay Haskell of the Seeley Co., Los Angeles, treasurer.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Feb. 3, 1985 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday February 3, 1985 Home Edition Real Estate Part 8 Page 6 Column 3 Real Estate Desk 2 inches; 41 words Type of Material: Correction
William M. Schnee, of Ashwill/Schneider, has been installed as vice president of the Southern California chapter, Society of Industrial Realtors. A Jan. 13 story incorrectly identified him as being affiliated with the Ashwill/Schnee firm, as indicated in information given The Times.

Blakeslee has been affiliated for 16 years with Penta Pacific, of which he is a co-founder. The commercial and industrial real estate company has its principal offices in Norwalk.


The new president has held all chapter offices and has been its annual seminar chairman. He is a past president of the Los Angeles Realty Board and a California registered civil engineer.

The installation was performed by L. Boyd Higgins, national president of the society and affiliated with the Seeley Co., during the chapter’s annual meeting at the Hotel del Coronado.
