
Bob Alberton to Head Builders’ Organization

L. C. (Bob) Albertson, president of Pacific Heritage Development, has been installed as president of the Orange County Region of the Building Industry Assn. of Southern California, succeeding Roland Osgood of Irvine Pacific, a subsidiary of the Irvine Co.

Other new officers include Chuck Diamond of the Konwiser Corp., first vice president; Don Steffenson of John D. Lusk & Son, second vice president; Gordon Tippell of Taylor Woodrow Homes, treasurer, and Ron Saienni of the Promontory Group, secretary.

Albertson has worked in real estate development for nearly 20 years. Formerly president of Barratt Irvine, he has owned his own development companies and has been a principal in numerous joint development ventures in Southern California.


He is also a past president of the Sales and Marketing Council of the Building Industry Assn. of Southern California.

Albertson, the other officers and 34 board members were installed by William Lyon of the William Lyon Co. at the Anaheim Hilton Hotel.
