
Huntington Beach : Police Chief Backs City’s Own ID Plan for Household Items

Police Chief Earle Robitaille is urging residents to use his department’s free Operation Identification program to mark household valuables instead of another method recommended by the International Assn. of Chiefs of Police.

Notified that some residents have received information and code numbers in the mail to use in a nationwide identification program launched by the association, the chief issued a statement noting that the city’s program has been in effect for 10 years at no charge to residents.

The association’s program costs $15 annually.

Robitaille said residents should mark valuables with their California driver’s license number instead of numbers received in the mail from the association.


“This system enables any California law enforcement officer to quickly establish ownership of any recovered property or any property in which ownership may be in dispute,” he said.

The department’s public affairs office has electric engravers that residents may use free.
