
Fluor Corp.’s Daniel International Corp. subsidiary has...

Fluor Corp.’s Daniel International Corp. subsidiary has been awarded a $100-million-plus contract to renovate part of a corn processing plant operated by Corn Products Corp., a division of CPC International, based in Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

Daniel, based in Greenville, S.C., will provide engineering, procurement and construction management services to Corn Products for its corn wet-milling plant in Argo, Ill., near Chicago. The plant processes corn byproducts, such as syrup and starch for the beverage, cannery, bakery and paper industries.

The CPC plant is one of the largest facilities of its kind in the world. It is undergoing an extensive $300-million renovation.


The Chicago division of Fluor Engineers, which specializes in power engineering, will provide engineering and procurement services for the powerhouse portion of the project. Silicon Systems Inc., a Tustin semiconductor manufacturer, is opening a new design, assembly and test technology center in Singapore. The new 50,000-square-foot facility will employ about 300 by the end of 1985. The new automated facility will design and produce semiconductors, but the silicon wafers which serve as the basis for the product will continue to be made in Tustin.
