
Huntington Beach : Laura Bradbury Search Cited in Dwyer Middle School Plan

Students at Dwyer Middle School say they hope that if their plan to form a communications link with other junior high schools in all 50 states catches on, 3-year-old Laura Bradbury might be found.

The students recently sent letters to three schools, chosen at random, in each of the 50 states, asking students to approach their local police departments about circulating posters telling of Bradbury’s disappearance.

Those who wish to participate may send Dwyer information “not only on efforts to find missing children like Laura, but for common problems of students shared by both schools--thereby creating a network,” said Diane Smith, a spokeswoman for the Dwyer project.


It was Debb Clay, who teaches a leadership class, who came up with the idea, Smith said. Since the 150 letters went out, 10 schools in 19 states have agreed to participate, Smith said.

Peter Schmidt, 13, wrote the letter sent around the country. It reads, in part: “Our ability to bring about change is limitless. Student organizations nationwide can only reach their full potential through an exchange of thoughts and ideas.

“Would your student government class consider becoming a primary member to transmit, receive, and discuss student, school and community needs and ideas?”


When enough responses are returned, the Dwyer students say, they will put out their first newsletter.
