
Letters to the Editor : Public Last to Know

Once again, it seems like the public is the last to know!

Fortunately, or unfortunately, as the case may be, I was unable to attend the Board of Supervisors meeting of Jan. 22. I did, however, have the luxury of watching it on educational television that night. It made better viewing than “Family Feud!”

At the time, the board heard the “Staffing Augmentation for C.A.O.,” or, as many have referred to it “son of town manager.” As you will recall, the Board of Supervisors rejected this proposal the last time around.

Last year I had the honor of serving on the Blue Ribbon Task Force to Study the Needs of the Unincorporated Area. One of the topics the task force looked into was the potential abuse of off-docket items. (An off-docket item usually requires immediate action, and there is no advance notice to the public that it will be taken up at a meeting.) The task force, in public, was chided for “touching” this subject.


Unfortunately, the public oft times perceives “off-docket” as “underhanded.” In this case, if the shoe fits . . .

On Jan. 15, Chief Administrative Officer Clifford Graves saw fit to have his staff augmentation presented as an off-docket item. The public and the press be damned, so to speak.

I quote from (the job description) of the deputy chief administrative officer position: “the position will assume general responsibility for the unincorporated areas including land use issues and other services provided in those areas of the County.”


I respectfully ask, is this not the sort of item that should be open to public scrutiny? You’re darn right it is!


Solana Beach
