
Moderate Quits Lebanon Cabinet, Is Urged to Stay

From Times Wire Services

Lebanese Labor and Education Minister Salim Hoss, a political moderate with a talent for arranging compromises in continuing crisis situations, submitted his resignation Saturday. However, he quickly came under pressure to stay in office and prevent the collapse of Lebanon’s often-fragile “national unity” government.

A Cabinet colleague, Nabih Berri, leader of the main Shia Muslim militia Amal, confirmed the resignation offer, telling a news conference that efforts are under way to make Hoss change his mind.

Berri, secretary for southern Lebanon, said that “if Hoss insists (on resigning), his colleagues in the government will not be able to continue in office. . . . The present situation does not permit any resignation to take place in the current delicate circumstances.”


Word that the Sunni Muslim former premier had sent his resignation to Premier Rashid Karami came as the government faced critical problems, including the collapse of the once-resilient Lebanese pound.

Berri indicated that he and Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, the public works and tourism minister, sympathize with Hoss and would have quit with him if not for the difficulties the country is facing.

Karami formed the Cabinet last May at conservative Christian President Amin Gemayel’s request in a desperate effort to reconcile Lebanon’s warring sects and save the country from disintegration after an eight-month round of heavy sectarian fighting.


However, no tangible progress has since been made toward enacting the political reforms promised to give the nation’s Muslims a fairer share of power, perhaps the only way to end a decade of civil strife.

Hoss, 55, is a U.S.-educated economist, an independent leftist who has acted as a bridge between uncompromising Christian and Muslim ministers. He issued no explanation for quitting, but political sources said he is angry at the government’s failure to establish calm, that he has frequently clashed with Gemayel and is bitter at the failure of Karami, a fellow Sunni, to back him.
