
New Offices, Expansions : Architectural Company Relocates to New Offices

Langdon Wilson Mumper Architects of Newport Beach has moved to new, expanded offices at 4100 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 200. It will occupy the entire second floor of the City National Bank Building in Koll Center Newport. The firm designed the office building and master planned Koll Center North. The expanded offices will allow the company to increase its staff and to incorporate sophisticated computer systems.

McGranahan Carlson & Co.

McGranahan Carlson & Co. Investment Builders has relocated its offices to Corporate Pointe West, the $3.6-million office building at the intersection of Fox Hills Drive and Hannum Avenue in Culver City. The two-story building, recently completed by the firm, was designed by Hornberger, Worstell & Associates, and built by Jones Brothers Construction Corp.

Business Properties Mortgage

Business Properties Mortgage Co. has been formed as an affiliate of Business Properties Brokerage Co. to provide financing for San Diego area developers and investors. Initially, the new firm will operate out of the brokerage companmy’s San Diego County office at 9404 Genessee Ave., La Jolla. Rod Luscomb has been named to head the affiliate.


Dunphy Development Co.

Dean Dunphy has announced the formation of Dunphy Development Co., which will operate in conjuction with its sister company, Dunphy Construction Co. The new firm will be located at 4625 Brinell St., San Diego, and will be headed by Don Demko, president and chief operating officer.

Shearson/American Express

The Sherason/American Express Mortgage Corp. has announced the opening of a branch office at 520 E. Carson Plaza Court, Carson. The office will be under the direction of sales manager Jay Allen.

Richard Sheldon Inc.

Richard Sheldon, who was with Summit Realty Co. until recently, has opened his own commercial real estate brokerage company at 5400 Sadring Ave., Woodland Hills.


Scripps Mortgage Co.

Scripps Mortgage Co. has opened an office at 5703 Oberlin Drive in Lusk Industrial Park, San Diego. The mortgage company is the first wholly owned subsidiary of Scripps Bank, La Jolla.
