
Letters : Developer’s View of Project

Reporter James Rainey’s report on construction and development in the West Wilshire area (Times, Jan. 20), while generally accurate and fair, left some misunderstanding regarding our project.

It’s hardly possible to “rush” through a project of this magnitude under any circumstances. As anyone in the construction industry in Los Angeles knows, the planning process alone takes many months. We did not undertake the Wilshire Bundy Plaza to circumvent the proposed community plan. Quite simply, that plan was not in place and we complied with existing zoning laws and regulations.

But more important is the validity of our project and others in the area and the objections of the one person quoted in the story.


It seems to us that this area is exactly the right place for our development and that this view is shared by many homeowners, businesses and residents.

The Wilshire Bundy Plaza will act as an anchor against the deterioration of this section of Wilshire Boulevard. Hardly anyone could dispute the aesthetic improvements we have brought to the community. But we also will have increased property values, made the area safer and more secure and generally improved the quality of life for the area and for our neighbors.

Obviously, the construction of any new building inevitably creates some problems, but when weighed against the benefits to the economy, the upgrading of the area and the need to avoid centralization of development, we feel we have met the test of responsible land use.


Even the most casual examinations of the area will support this contention. In every way possible, we hope to be good neighbors for the residents, property owners and businesses of our new community. RONALD E. DOUGLAS

Executive Vice President

Murdock Development Co. A Gem From Al Martinez

Al Martinez’s brilliant appraisal of the lofty exclusionary standards of the Beverly Hills shopping area (Times, Jan. 24) is almost Dickensian in its clarity! One senses the reformer within! Be that as it may, one does not have to be a trillionaire to appreciate beautiful things. Thank you, Mr. Martinez, for the pleasure of reading that article. Such, indeed, is a real luxury. JOSEPH P. KRENGEL

Santa Monica
