
Council to Consider Plan to Run Weekend Trams

A plan to run two trams downtown every weekend during the summer will be considered by the City Council Tuesday.

Under the plan, people could park at a city lot in Laguna Canyon or at the high school parking lot and then ride one of two city-owned trams downtown, said Terry Brandt, director of municipal services.

The fare would be 50 cents per ride or $1.50 all day. Also, merchants could buy three tickets for $1 for employees who park outside the downtown area, Brandt said.


The subsidized service would cost the city about $10,000 for gas, maintenance and drivers’ pay, he said. Revenues are estimated at $1,000 to $3,000.

The plan would need approval from the Laguna Beach Unified School District for use of its 126-space high school lot, Brandt said. The city already has an agreement with the Irvine Co. to use the 318-space dirt lot in Laguna Canyon, less than a mile from downtown.

The trams now run during the summer art festivals and Pageant of the Masters.
