
Hairdresser Rats on ‘Lady Dye’

United Press International

A member of Parliament says Princess Diana’s former hairdresser is a “rat” for telling a newspaper about her mousy brown hair, dye job and predilection for American soap operas.

Kevin Shanley, who reportedly sold his story to the Sunday Mirror for a five-figure sum, said he and Diana fell out in a disagreement over her new look for the state opening of Parliament.

“It wasn’t her. This was ‘Dynasty Di,’ glossy plastic and very, very American,” Shanley wrote. “I like to believe that I have been more than just a hairdresser to her. We were friends, good friends until we had our differences of opinion.”


Shanley also revealed that the princess loves “Dynasty” and “Dallas,” hates being called “Di” and dies her “mousy” brown hair.

Member of Parliament Teddy Taylor said Shanley’s tale was “sickening and diabolical.” “The man’s a rat and must be boycotted by his customers,” he said.
