

The directors of “The Burning Bed,” “Something About Amelia” and “The Dollmaker” have earned nominations for outstanding TV work in 1984 from the Directors Guild of America.

Robert Greenwald (“Burning Bed”), Randa Haines (“Something About Amelia”) and Daniel Petrie (“The Dollmaker”) were on the list of television nominees released Tuesday by Gilbert Cates, Directors Guild president.

In a new category--Sports, Sandy Grossman received a nomination for Super Bowl XVIII, while Bob Lanning, Larry Kamm, Norm Samet and Doug Wilson were cited for their directing work on last year’s Olympics.


The Olympics also brought nominations in the Music/Variety category for Tony Charmoli (“Olympic Gala”) and Terry Jastrow (“Olympic Opening Ceremonies”). Named in the same category were Don Mischer and Twyla Tharp for a PBS special featuring Mikhail Baryshnikov and the American Ballet Theater.

The directors of episodes of “Cheers,” “Kate & Allie,” “The Bill Cosby Show,” “St. Elsewhere” and “Hill Street Blues” also made the list of nominees.

The guild last Friday announced nominees for best movie director. Winners for both film and television will be announced March 9 at dinners here and in New York.


Here are the television nominees:

Comedy Shows: James Burrows, “Cheers: I Call Your Name,” NBC; Bill Persky, “Kate & Allie: The Landlady,” CBS; Jay Sandrich, pilot of “The Bill Cosby Show,” NBC.

Dramatic Shows, Night, One Hour or Less: David Anspaugh, “St. Elsewhere: Fade to White,” NBC; Thomas Carter, “Hill Street Blues: The Rise and Fall of Paul the Wall,” NBC; Mark C. Tinker, “St. Elsewhere: Sweet Dreams,” NBC.

Dramatic Shows, Day, One Hour or Less: Robert Chenault, “ABC Afterschool Special: The Hero Who Couldn’t Read”; Joan Darling, “ABC Afterschool Special: Mom’s on Strike”; Joanna Lee, “CBS Schoolbreak Special: Hear Me Cry.”


Music/Variety: Tony Charmoli, “The Olympic Gala,” ABC; Terry Jastrow, “Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies,” ABC; Don Mischer and Twyla Tharp, “Baryshnikov by Tharp With American Ballet Theater,” PBS.

Documentary/Actuality: Merrill Brockway, “Balanchine, Parts One and Two, Dance in American,” PBS; Howard Enders, “Ellis Island: The Odyssey of a Dream,” CBS; Alfred R. Kelman, “The Body Human: The Journey Within,” CBS.

Sports (New Category): Sandy Grossman, Super Bowl XVIII, CBS; Bob Lanning, Larry Kamm, Norm Samet, gymnastics coverage, 1984 Summer Olympics, ABC; Doug Wilson, figure skating coverage, 1984 Winter Olympics, ABC.

Dramatic Specials: Robert Greenwald, “The Burning Bed,” NBC; Randa Haines, “Something About Amelia,” ABC; Daniel Petrie, “The Dollmaker,” ABC.
