
Porn Is Least of Evils

I, for one, am getting a little tired of reading self-righteous letters from irate citizens complaining about the “social evil” of pornography. What are the thousands of lusty young Marines and sailors who flock to San Diego supposed to want? Quilting bees and bingo?

Here we are living in 1985 surrounded with real evils such as drugs, child abuse, vagrancy, teen-age suicide, the threat of nuclear war and chemicals poisoning our environment. And what are our elected leaders doing? Crusading against dirty pictures!

This goes on year after year despite the fact that there has never been any proof that consumers of adult material act in criminal ways because of what they read. I suggest that Gloria McColl, Susan Golding and Gloria McClellan end their futile gestures against this phantom menace before the voters get wise to their con game. We do not elect people to become peeping Toms at public expense.



San Diego
