
‘Gunman’s View’ of Royal Bedroom Discovered : Britain’s Palace Being Turned Into ‘Fortress’

United Press International

Bulletproof windows and blast-proof steel doors are being installed at Buckingham Palace to prevent an attack against Queen Elizabeth II, it was reported today.

“The decision follows the horrifying discovery that the high buildings around the palace, including a hotel, have a perfect ‘gunman’s view’ of the royal bedroom,” the Sun newspaper said.

It said the palace is being “turned into a fortress” to prevent terrorist attacks.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman refused to comment on the report, saying “matters relating to security” could not be discussed.


The Sun said bulletproof glass two inches thick is being fitted into many of the palace’s windows and new blast-proof steel-plated doors are being installed.

The paper put the cost at about $110,000 and said the new security would be tested by Britain’s anti-terrorist squad, the SAS.

The measures are part of a shake-up of security procedures following the break-in of the palace by a prowler in July, 1982.


Michael Fagan, known as the “palace prowler,” managed to climb the palace fence, sneak past royal guards, then wander unhindered through the palace to the queen’s bedroom, where she occupied him by chatting with him and offering him cigarettes until police arrived.
