
The Region - News from Feb. 11, 1985

So many koalas are now in residence at the San Diego Zoo that some of the animals will be sent on a two-year tour to zoos around the nation. The zoo, which was once the only U.S. institution to have the cuddly Australian koalas, has 21 of the animals currently in residence either there or at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. The first stop for the koalas will be at the Memphis Zoological Garden & Aquarium, on May 1. St. Louis, Salt Lake City, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and New Orleans also will have the furry visitors this year, and in 1986, Miami, New York City, Topeka, Kan., Indianapolis, Grand Rapids, Mich., and Seattle will each get a visiting koala. The host zoos will donate money to a program that manages reproduction in captivity of endangered species.
