
Yorba Linda : Group Readies Petitions to Protest Building Plans

Residents calling themselves OUCH, or Organization of Unified Concerned Homeowners, say they plan to turn in petitions at Tuesday’s City Council meeting protesting the development of 275 hillside homes they say will spoil the city’s “country living” atmosphere.

The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the issue at 7 p.m. in the council chambers, at 4845 Casa Loma Ave.

OUCH opposes any development on the property denser than one house per acre, its current zoning, said Tom Render, the organization’s president. Although the site, which is northwest of Fairmont Boulevard and owned by Shell Oil Co., encompasses 275 acres, the homes would be built on less than an acre each, with the rest of the land being used for open space.


The Planning Commission, which only recommends policy to the City Council, approved a compromise plan allowing some houses on half-acre lots and some on third-acre lots.

The developer wants to build all the homes on third-acre lots and leave the rest open space.

“(This) would preserve the integrity of the surrounding neighborhood,” said Ron DiLuigi, a commissioner.
