
By July, Ferragamo Figures, His Hand --and Arm--Will Be at Full Strength

Ram quarterback Vince Ferragamo’s right hand is healing well. “By July, I’ll be able to throw (a football) through a wall,” he said after his third winter workout the other day.

“The thing about it is there’s no pain, and the swelling is down.”

The index knuckle where the tendon was torn Aug. 18 appears normal. During the season, it was swollen and discolored. Ferragamo has regained full flexibility of the hand, and apparently, surgery will not be necessary.

“The doctor said it would take six months (to heal), and that’s what it’s been,” Ferragamo said. “The tendon is in perfect position. He said by July there shouldn’t be any problem.”


Ferragamo played two games with the knuckle injury before breaking another bone in the hand. Even after the break had healed, though, he was unable to throw satisfactorily because of the knuckle problem.
