
COP’S-EYE VIEW--According to Beverly Hills Police Department...

COP’S-EYE VIEW--According to Beverly Hills Police Department spokesman Lt. William Hunt, the after-effects of the Eddie Murphy rampage through city and police station in “Beverly Hills Cop” have been minimal.

“Oh, I think some of the guys get asked if we have anyone as stupid as Rosewood,” Hunt said. “It seems like more people are taking pictures of City Hall (used as the department in the movie).”

Hunt explained: “No, there weren’t really any pay phones in jail cells” and that the movie cop shop bears “very little similarity” to the actual department.


The spokesman then added: “But our T-shirt sales for the annual basketball game we play with celebrities went exceptionally well this year. We ordered 166 last year and had some left over. . . . This year we sold more than 200.”

Lest anyone get the idea the department wasn’t keen on “Cop,” Hunt added: “One resident asked why we weren’t taking some kind of legal action against Paramount (for spoofing the cops). Actually, I thought it was pretty good.”

SI Deborah Caulfield
