
Reputation, Marketing Top Reasons for Realtor Choice

When it comes to choosing a real estate firm, reputation and marketing expertise top the list of criteria for consumers, according to a new study from Better Homes and Gardens magazine.

Last fall, members of the magazine’s consumer panel evaluated nine criteria for picking a real estate firm to sell a house. The results showed that 95.8% of all respondents cited reputation as very important or somewhat important, while 93.2% of the respondents considered the marketing plan important.

Other high-ranking factors were “price they’ll ask for my home,” 90.4%; availability of mortgage finance and insurance, 79.5%; past experience with the firm, 79.1% and size of firm, 49%.


In response to a separate question, 65.6% of the respondents said they believe that a real estate company affiliated with a national organization will offer a wider range of services than non-affiliated firms.

The survey was conducted at the request of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Service, like the magazine a unit of the Meredith Corp., Des Moines, Iowa.
