
Variety of Easter Observances Beckon Christians to Worship

Roman Catholic and Protestant Christians will celebrate renewed life in a variety of services Sunday, recounting biblical traditions about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

The first Easter will be memorialized in outdoor sunrise services, extra services at churches and in special musical productions.

Eastern Orthodox churches, whose reckoning of the date for Easter differs from Western tradition, will observe Easter this year on April 14.


Most Catholic parishes in Southern California will have Easter vigil liturgies tonight. On Sunday, Cardinal Timothy Manning will celebrate the principal Los Angeles archdiocesan Feast of the Resurrection with a Pontifical Mass at 10:30 a.m. at St. Vibiana’s Cathedral.

Presbyterian minister Raymond C. Ortlund will preach the sermon at the sunrise service atop rocky Mt. Rubidoux in Riverside. Wendell G. Johnston, dean of Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology, La Mirada, will preach before an expected 4,500 worshipers at Forest Lawn Memorial-Park, Covina Hills. Pastor Jess C. Moody of Van Nuys First Baptist Church is the speaker in another Forest Lawn sunrise service at the Hollywood Hills facility.

The Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove has estimated that 20,000 people will attend six services, the earliest at 5 a.m.


Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church will hold its 11 a.m. Easter service in Wilshire Ebell Theatre. The service will include poetry, music, liturgical dance and a drama written by actress Chip Fields. Ward AME member David Shamley will play Jesus.

Hope Lutheran Church, whose Hollywood church was destroyed by fire 26 months ago, will observe Easter Sunday within the rising skeleton of its new church under construction. Pastor Mark Rasbach, the choir and many members will be wearing construction worker hard hats to underscore the congregation’s recovery.
