
Crackdown on Speed Spurs Leniency Plea

Traffic fines may be temporarily suspended for speeders caught in a continuing police crackdown on Chevy Chase Drive.

The Glendale City Council on Tuesday asked judges in the Glendale Municipal Court to be lenient on drivers cited for exceeding the 25-m.p.h. speed limit on the narrow, winding, canyon roadway. The speed limit on May 23 was lowered from 35 m.p.h., the posted speed limit for many years, after residents complained about traffic hazards and many accidents caused by excessive speed.

Councilman Larry Zarian asked that motorists be granted amnesty from speeding fines until June 23 as a public relations gesture by the city to alert drivers to the lower limit. Zarian said that more than 200 speeding citations were issued in the first two weeks after the limit was lowered. He said many drivers complained that they were unaware of the change.


The City Council approved Zarian’s request despite the objections of Councilwoman Ginger Brembreg, who suggested that speeders “be given a good, swift kick.”
