
Arrest Warrant Issued for Explosives Suspect

An arrest warrant has been issued for a third suspect in connection with the discovery of a 130-foot-long streak of explosive chemicals found on Reseda sidewalks June 4, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department said Thursday.

Detective Ronald Douglass said a warrant has been issued for Daryl Coffman, 26, charging him with possession of components used to make destructive devices. Coffman, believed to live in the Los Angeles area, allegedly helped mix the reddish-brown substance found in Reseda. The substance, which ignited under the feet of pedestrians, was said to be a mixture of phosphorus and sulfur.

Darryl James Haynes, 28, and Stefani Coffman, 20, were arrested last week on suspicion of possessing an explosive device after police found a cache of highly unstable chemicals in their Reseda apartment. Douglass said the Coffmans are married.
