
Times to Get Award for Latin Series

The Inter American Press Assn. announced Saturday that the Los Angeles Times has been chosen to receive one of its top prizes, the IAPA-Tom Wallace Award, for a series of articles last year on the troubled situation in Central America.

The announcement was made in Miami by Alejandro Miro Quesada Garland, publisher of the daily El Comercio in Lima, Peru, and chairman of the association’s awards committee.

Times correspondents who contributed articles to the prize-winning series were William D. Montalbano, Dan Williams and Juan M. Vasquez. Their six-part series appeared in The Times on March 11-16, 1984.


Another major prize, the IAPA-Pedro Joaquin Chamorro Award for Freedom of the Press, will go to Paraguayan publisher Aldo Zuccolillo, whose newspaper, ABC Color, was closed by the Paraguayan government last year.

Other awards will go to the Associated Press, Philadelphia Inquirer, St. Petersburg Times, Miami Herald, Wichita Eagle-Beacon and Harper’s magazine.

The awards will be presented in October at the association’s 41st annual General Assembly, in Cartagena, Colombia.
