
Senior Citizen Groups Receive State Shared-Housing Grants

The Deukmejian Administration has awarded $464,000 in grants to senior citizens’ groups for the operation of local shared-housing programs under the state Citizen’s Shared Housing Program. The programs are expected to begin July 1 and continue through June 30, 1987.

The grants--the third round of funding for a program established in 1981--are administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development in cooperation with the Department of Aging and will go to 16 organizations throughout the state to assist more than 3,500 older Californians to obtain secure and affordable homes.

The program is designed to assist people to find others with whom they can share existing housing units, according to Susan A. DeSantis, director the housing and community development agency.


Extensive counseling is also provided to ensure greater compatibility and understanding of the responsibilities of living in a shared environment, according to Alice Gonzales, director of the Department of Aging.
