
Ocean View Favored in Servite Tourney

Ocean View High School, with three returning starters from a team that advanced to the Southern Section’s 5-A championship game, is the favorite in the Servite summer basketball tournament that begins Friday in the Friars’ gym.

Other Orange County schools entered in the 12-team tournament are Servite, Capistrano Valley and Katella. City power Cleveland is also entered but its star player, Trevor Wilson, will be competing in a camp in New Jersey.

The first-round pairings:

9:30 a.m.--St. Bernard vs. Capistrano Valley; 11--Crespi vs. Katella; 12:30 p.m.--Ocean View vs. Serra; 2--Servite vs. Banning; 3:30--LB Poly meets winner of St. Bernard-Capistrano Valley; 5--Santa Monica meets winner of Crespi-Katella; 6:30--Dominguez meets winner of Ocean View-Serra; 11 a.m. (Saturday)--Cleveland meets winner of Servite-Banning.
