
Yorba Linda : City Drafting Ordinance to Set Smoking Controls

Yorba Linda residents soon may be asked to put away their cigarettes in public areas and possibly in private businesses, including restaurants.

While council members originally considered an ordinance that would regulate smoking only in public areas and not public gathering places that are privately owned, such as restaurants, officials Monday night asked their staff to draft an ordinance similar to one in Brea, according to Assistant City Manager Bruce Channing.

Brea officials were scheduled to vote Tuesday night on an ordinance that would ban smoking in public places but leave regulation of the private work sector up to the city’s Chamber of Commerce.


In other action, City Council members asked the staff to prepare an ordinance that would ban the sale of alcoholic beverages at gasoline stations. Yorba Linda has one service station with a store that sells both gasoline and alcohol, Channing said.

During Monday night’s meeting, city officials also threw their support behind a proposed countywide uniform ordinance dealing with hazardous materials.
