
Weinberger and ‘Star Wars’

In his article Weinberger presents the advantages of the Strategic Defense Initiative without once addressing the issue of feasibility or of cost. Nor did he mention that launching a research program would create a whole new infrastructure of defense contractors, which, if our current experience holds, will create a self-perpetuating monster.

The top contractors already working in defense contributed $3,636,587 to presidential and congressional campaigns in 1984, an increase of 100% over their 1980 contributions. They simply take some of the millions they receive from the federal government and funnel it into political action committees, which then donate it to presidential candidates and strategic senators and representatives who are in a position to fund more and bigger programs--which they do. It’s a situation of taxpayer money being used to get more taxpayer money.

If Star Wars had a chance to produce something of value for the American people, it would be worth the risk, but most scientists and many military advisers say it doesn’t.


The American people deserve to know all sides of this issue. They certainly didn’t get it from the secretary of defense.


Pacific Palisades
