
American Heart Assn. Publishes Free Restaurant Guide

The American Heart Assn’s. Greater Los Angeles Affiliate has just published a new, free guide that lists nearly 200 restaurants in the Los Angeles area that agree with the heart association that eating out can be both pleasurable and healthful.

The 16-page guide, “Dine to Your Heart’s Content,” names 190 restaurants that offer four or more dishes that folow AHA dietary guidelines. Those guidelines focus on reduction of dietary fat and cholesterol, which are associated with increased risk of heart disease. The heart association also urges the offering of dishes low in calories and low in sodium.

Restaurants participating in the program identify AHA-approved dishes on their menus with heart symbols.


Variety of Food Styles

The new guide includes restaurants in virtually every quarter of the Los Angeles area. A variety of national and ethnic food styles are represented, including Chinese, Mexican, French, Japanese and Italian. Dining styles vary from plain to posh.

Each entry in the guide offers basic information about the location and hours as well as a brief description of the cuisine. Pictographic symbols provide details about such things as price range, credit cards, reservations, parking, no-smoking sections and wheelchair access. About one in five entries features a tiny salt shaker symbol, a sign that the restaurant offers one or more sodium-controlled entrees.

The “Dine to Your Heart’s Content” guide was compiled by a group of heart association volunteers, including dietitians, and was printed by Gibraltar Savings. Free copies of the guide are available at most Gibraltar Savings offices in Los Angeles County or by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Dine to Your Heart’s Content, Dept. B, American Heart Assn., Greater Los Angeles Affiliate, 2405 West 8th St., Los Angeles 90057.
