
Pasadena : Directors to Discuss Charter Amendments

The Board of City Directors will hold a special meeting at 7:30 a.m. Friday to discuss three proposed Charter amendments to be placed on the November ballot.

The board delayed approval of the proposed Charter revisions during Tuesday’s regular meeting when members expressed concern that the wording of a bond sale amendment could be misunderstood by voters. The amendment would allow the board to negotiate the sale of bonds without seeking competitive bids.

The board also wants to transfer most of the city prosecutor’s duties to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, a controversial plan that, it is estimated, would save the city $400,000 a year.


A third amendment would give the board the power to fire the city manager, city attorney and city clerk without a stated reason.

City officials estimate that the bond sale plan would raise $100 million for a variety of uses, including street repair, construction of a new police building and assistance for the indebted police and fire pension fund.
