
Forum Calls for Ousting Shultz and McFarlane

Associated Press

A parade of conservative spokesmen took the podium at a conference today to call for the ouster of Secretary of State George P. Shultz and other Administration officials they said are undermining the goals and objectives of their boss--President Reagan.

“It is time for us to convince this President, and help elect one in 1988, who will appoint a secretary of state and deputies and a National Security Council adviser and deputies who understand the reality of communism’s aggression,” said David Funderburk, until recently the ambassador to Romania.

At the White House, presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said that Reagan was aware of the campaign but that he viewed Shultz as an “outstanding secretary of state . . . (who) will remain as long as he wishes to remain.”


Several speakers at the conference, on “The State Department Held Hostage,” suggested Reagan is failing to pay sufficient attention to foreign policy.

In addition to Shultz, there was also criticism of the White House’s National Security Council headed by Robert C. McFarlane.

Funderburk complained that the State Department favors improved ties and economic support for Romania even though the communist government is stepping up repression against its own people.


Another former envoy, Curtin Windsor, who was ambassador to Costa Rica until earlier this year, said, “A gulf has emerged which cannot be ignored between Ronald Reagan and those who are orchestrating foreign policy in his name.”
