
Westside Judo Students Score High in Nationals

Judo students who train at Palms Recreation Center under Monty Scates and at the Santa Monica YMCA under Jim Nieto did well at national championships held in July by the U. S. Judo Federation in Honolulu and by the U. S. Judo Assn. in Las Vegas.

Monica Scates, the 17-year-old daughter of the instructor, took first place in the federation’s 123-pound division for women from 17-20, according to a release from her mother.

Nieto said the following students finished in the top five in their divisions at the association’s championships:


Girls--Hillary Kaplowitz, 14, second, 121 pounds for ages 13-14; Missy Nieto (the instructor’s daughter), 10, third, 84 pounds and up, ages 9-10; Natalie Humpherys, 10, third, 74-84 pounds, ages 9-10; Samantha Miller, 15, fifth, 122-132 pounds, ages 15-16.

Boys--Jessie Wolf, 7, third, 42-51 pounds, 8 and younger; Chris Mitchell, 16, fifth, 143-154 pounds, ages 15-16.
