
Irvine : Residents Get Chance to Check Soccer Plan

Ratification of an agreement between the city and the Saddleback Community College District for joint use of soccer fields on the Irvine Valley College campus was delayed to give neighboring residents a chance to study the plan.

After a brief City Council hearing in which a representative of the Tarocco Homeowners Assn. asked for a delay to allow residents time to meet with city planners, the council voted to continue the matter until Aug. 20.

Deanna Manning, director of Community Services, said city officials will be meeting with members of the homeowners’ association “and if any major concerns come up, we’ll try to work them out.”


Under terms of the agreement, drawn up at the council’s direction last May, the city would spend about $125,000 to install flood lights and portable bleachers on the college fields, Manning said. In exchange, Irvine’s 2,700 city-sponsored youth soccer players would enjoy use of the fields four nights a week and on weekends from mid-August through April.
