
‘Only Alzheimer’s Disease’

As I read Ginger Jacobs’ touching and well written article on the above subject, I too wanted to scream, cry and mourn. Even though I have never known a person with Alzheimer’s, I felt the anguish she described.

I wonder if she has thought of recording a series of tapes of her thoughts, feelings, conversations, etc., involving her family and most of all, her husband and children?

She mentions that Alzheimer’s is considered hereditary and she has a fear of getting it later on in her life. If her family members had the tapes I have suggested they could listen to them after they have had particularly stressful visits with her, if, God forbid, she should come down with Alzheimer’s. The tapes would remind them of the “real” you; perhaps, this might be of some solace to them.


How loving of Jacobs to think of the suffering her family might have to endure due to her hereditary factors. I have no Alzheimer’s in my family medical background, but I still fear it.


