
Scribbler’s Delight

Imagine my surprise and delight to see the face of Josephine Miles smiling out of the pages of the Sunday Times (Book Review, July 7). I recognized her instantly. We were students at Los Angeles High in 1927 and 1928. Everyone loved her, and her talents were recognized by her fellow Scribblers, a poetry group of surprisingly excellent poets. I found a poem of hers in the 1928 annual that I thought might interest you:

Fourth of July Sheaves of stars spring up in swift succession From eager torches waving on the shore. Pelt the dark waves with heavy drops of silver, And shine no more. And sheaves of stars spring up from the horizon Lighting the sky with delicate white spray. How is it then that these do not droop downward And die away? VIRGINIA MAE HOSKIN

Los Angeles
