
Garden Grove : Views on Redevelopment Policy May Be Sought

A proposal to ask the voters if they approve of the city’s participation in commercial redevelopment projects will be considered by the City Council Monday night.

If the measure is approved it will be placed on the November ballot and would be advisory and therefore have no legal effect on city policies, Assistant City Manager Mike Fenderson said.

Councilman Ray Littrell introduced the idea, arguing that the city should have approval from the voters before selling bonds and expending other cash to finance redevelopment projects. He said many officials and community members would like to see a shopping mall built in the city or perhaps the redevelopment of an existing center at Garden Grove Boulevard and Brookhurst Street to capture sales tax income currently lost to surrounding cities.


“I’m not very comfortable getting a 30-year commitment nailed down without knowing the voters support it,” he said, adding that “people want to shop in town but find they have to go somewhere else. You can’t even buy a suit anywhere in Garden Grove.”

Several sample ballot measures have been offered by council members and city staff. Littrell said his choice of a measure would also ask if voters approve the city’s use of any redevelopment tools available under state and federal laws.
