
Ram Notes

Punter Russell Erxleben left camp Tuesday to return to his businesses in Houston, citing a lack of enthusiasm. “I’ve contemplated retirement ever since last year,” he said. “I will notify the Rams Friday as to my decision.” Erxleben was a first-round draft choice of the New Orleans Saints in 1979. The Rams signed him as a free agent last spring. His departure leaves two punters in camp, incumbent John Misko and third-round draft pick Dale Hatcher from Clemson. . . . Wide receiver Ron Brown returned to practice this week after missing 2 1/2 weeks for arthroscopic surgery on his left knee. He won’t play in the 40th Times Charity Game against the Houston Oilers at Anaheim Saturday night. The other projected starting wide receiver, Henry Ellard, jammed his left thumb in practice Tuesday. . . . Coach John Robinson gave third-year linebacker Mike Wilcher rave reviews. “He’s really come into his own, beginning to show the promise that caused us to take him (in the second round in ‘83),” Robinson said. Robinson designated Wilcher as the sole linebacker in the “dime” defense--six defensive backs and four pass rushers--and one of three outside linebacker “starters,” with incumbents Mel Owens and George Andrews. . . . Rookies Danny Bradley, wide receiver from Oklahoma, and Damone Johnson, tight end from Cal Poly SLO, were scheduled to have arthroscopic knee surgery today. Andrews, involved in a program, “Help Me Tackle Child Abuse,” had 15 children from the Rancho Damacitas home near Temecula as his guests for lunch and practice Tuesday.
