
Hermosa Beach

Robert A. Blackwood, a city field supervisor for animal control and parking enforcement, has been appointed as the city’s new personnel administrator, City Manager Gregory T. Meyer announced this week.

Blackwood, 35, replaces Carolyn Smith, who resigned last month to join her husband in the restaurant business.

Smith, 43, was the subject of controversy three months ago when civic activist Roger Creighton sued the city to obtain employee insurance records. Although Smith was not named in the suit, Creighton has contended that she and other city employees may have misused health insurance benefits by enrolling ineligible dependents in the health and dental programs. The suit is pending.


At the time, Creighton asked that Smith, who had enrolled James Brisson in the programs, prove that she is married to Brisson. Smith said she is married to Brisson but declined to provide proof. She and all city employees, however, signed a form stating that their dependents are legitimately enrolled in the insurance plans.

Smith said in May that she intended to resign in July to join Brisson in the restaurant business. She said her resignation, after 14 years with the city, was not related to the insurance questions.

Blackwood assumed his new duties this week on a temporary basis, Meyer said. The post will become permanent later this month after the appointment has been certified by the Civil Service Board, he said. He will be paid $22,100 a year.


Blackwood, a resident of Redondo Beach, has worked for Hermosa Beach since 1982. His job experience includes time as a juvenile diversion counselor for the Torrance Police Department.
