
School Board OKs Hoover Bid for Navy ROTC

The Glendale school board Tuesday unanimously approved an application to initiate a Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps at Hoover High School.

The application for the four-year program will be forwarded to the Navy, which will review the school’s scholastic performance and facilities. Hoover officials said they hope classes can begin by the fall of 1986, although the school must be placed on a waiting list.

Only 233 high schools in the country are funded for the program, but four or five high schools usually drop out each year, Navy officials say.


Board members said Tuesday that they believe the Navy classes will teach leadership and provide career opportunities for students. The Navy requires that at least 100 boys and girls be enrolled in the program at each high school.

The Navy awards one four-year college scholarship each June to the outstanding cadet from each high school ROTC.

The Glendale Chamber of Commerce, in a letter to the board, promised to provide trailer space required by the Navy for storage and classroom use. No classroom space is now available at Hoover High.
