
Planned Parenthood Opens Men’s Clinic in Santa Monica

Planned Parenthood/Los Angeles has opened a men’s clinic at its Santa Monica location in the Old Santa Monica Mall.

Dr. J. Hugh Anwyl, executive director for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, said, “Planned Parenthood wishes to provide males with similar type of primary health care that it provides for its female clientele.

“Our research shows an ever-increasing need for male services, as shown by the fact that this men’s clinic will be the third such program in our agency.”


Planned Parenthood operates men’s clinics in Sherman Oaks and Canoga Park. These clinics offer the following services:

Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, vasectomy counseling (the procedure is done at two other clinic sites), contraception and premarital blood tests.

The contacts at the Santa Monica clinic are Rodney or David at 213-2457.

Established in 1965, Planned Parenthood/Los Angeles claims to be the largest private provider of reproductive health services in Los Angeles County.


Other clinics are operated in Agoura, Santa Monica, Pomona, El Monte, East Los Angeles and Central Los Angeles.
