
Cool but Pleasant Weather Forecast for the Weekend

Times Staff Writer

An uncommon weather pattern that has pushed temperatures slightly below the August norm will provide pleasant San Diego weather through the weekend.

A low-pressure system aloft over most of the Western states has encouraged cool northern air to move south--an unusual pattern for this time of year, forecasters said.

“The pattern will hang around at least through the weekend, and will only move slowly east. I envision little temperature change,” said National Weather Service forecaster Wilbur Shigehara.


Daytime temperatures have been just below the August average of 75 at Lindbergh Field, and have remained below normal around the county this week. Morning clouds may block sunshine at the 9 a.m. ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new downtown Horton Plaza shopping center today, but the gray skies are expected to vanish by mid-morning. Temperatures downtown are expected to be in the mid-70s.

Sub-tropical moisture, which often invades Southern California in August, is instead streaming toward Arizona and New Mexico.

“Normally we see moisture aimed at Southern California. It is now well to the east,” Shigehara said.


Highs at the beach are expected to be 69 to 73 degrees through Sunday, and westerly breezes will be 10 to 16 m.p.h. The ocean water temperature is 70 degrees.

Coastal strip temperatures in the 70s during the day will fall to the 60s at night; inland highs of 77 to 87 will drop to 52 to 62 at night.

Clouds aren’t expected in the mountains and deserts, where warm, sunny days should continue. Daytime mountain highs of 77 to 84 degress will dip to around 50 at night. Desert temperatures up to 108 will fall into the 70s at night.
