
Westminster : Court Rules Against Imposing 5-Day Week

A Superior Court judge has ruled that the city cannot make its public works employees give up their four-day week for a five-day schedule and City Atty. Paul Morgan said the City Council will decide whether to appeal the decision.

Commissioner Greer Stroud ruled that the city must meet and confer with its employee groups to negotiate such a move.

James Harker, attorney for the employees, said it is wrong for the city to attempt unilaterally to impose such conditions. “From my perspective, we never should have had to go to court on this,” he said, adding that the schedule saves energy and improves employee morale.


Morgan said the city could file a motion to overrule the decision but added that the courts are so bogged down that getting a hearing might take four or five months. He said the current employee contract does not indicate that the city needs to negotiate before changing the schedule.

City Manager Chris Christiansen said the change was intended to ensure full service in the wake of budget cuts that included 17 layoffs. “We’re going to have to cut back on our spending,” he said.
