
Germany’s Opera Berlin Debut Sept. 9

For opera buffs and the culturally aware, it’s an event. Goetz Friedrich, executive director of the Deutsche Oper Berlin, is here with his wife, soprano Karan Armstrong, to see to the last details of the company’s West Coast debut at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion on Sept. 9. And on Aug. 19 some of the city’s movers and shakers will get a chance to meet the talented couple at a reception in the Pavilion’s The Founders. It will be hosted by Germany’s Acting Consul General Dieter Koepke on behalf of his government.

Among those welcoming the Friedrichs will be members of the German consulate, the German-American Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. Dennis Stanfill and Mrs. Harry Wetzel, co-chairmen of the opening night gala supper. Also in attendance will be Tom Wachtell, president and chief operating officer of the Music Center Opera Assn., which is presenting the Deutsche Oper for two weeks of performances Sept. 9-22. Others who’ve already received word of the party include Music Center Opera Assn. chairman Edward W. Carter and his wife Hannah and lots of MCOA directors such as Bernard Greenberg, David Ingalls, Norman Lee, Sol Rubin, James Miscoll and Dr. Armand Hammer and Dwight Kendall. Still more likely to show up: Patricia Jean Kennedy, James H. Kindel Jr. and the Joseph Saunderses (he’s president of the Music Center Opera League and a MCOA director).

While you sip cool drinks under shady trees, think ahead to snow, the smell of pine trees and the glitter of tinsel. What we’re trying to do is work up a little enthusiasm on a warm August day for the Juniors of the Social Service Auxiliary’s usually wintry Candlelight Ball. This year, for the ball’s 50th anniversary, the theme will be “The Spirit of Love.” Right on. The party returns to the Beverly Hilton for this anniversary celebration. The date to remember is Dec. 14. Funds raised by the Candlelight Ball support Regis House, a nondenominational community center in West Los Angeles.


Lots of details were disclosed at a recent lunch co-chaired by Mrs. Robert D. Johnson and Mrs. Charles F. Murray in the Bistro Garden’s Pavilion. Chairing the ball is Mrs. Michael C. Parker with Mrs. Frederick F. Fletcher Jr. as adviser. The decor will be “contemporary”--gold and white with the group’s symbol, the dove, worked into the decorations. What will please long-time supporters is the historical retrospective of past balls. Supervising the visual aspects are Mrs. Jay Howard and Mrs. Daniel Wallace Walker. There’s plenty more, but we’ll get to that later.

The Social Scramble: To liven up actress-author Monique Van Vooren’s brief stay in Los Angeles, the very rich Martin Beckers gave a dinner party for her at the Bistro. Martin and his Moroccan-born wife, Marcelle, are New Yorkers who recently bought a home here and are hoping they’ll like us well enough to stay. The exotic guest list for Monique’s party included Prince Abdul Ilah Saud, grandson of King Saud, founder of the modern Saudi dynasty, and son of King Khaled (Prince Abdul is affectionately known as Aboodi); Egyptian oil man Azziz Radwan who is based in London; Marcelle’s sister Rachelle; Joyce Flaherty and Richard Gully.

In for some beauty work at Aida Grey’s--Madonna, a regular patron of the Beverly Hills beauty salon. No, Miss Grey does not do Madonna’s makeup.


Dining at Gitanjali, the new Indian restaurant on La Cienega--owner Prem Chadda with Joan and Jack Quinn and writer Solange Dieter; gallery owners Betty Asher (with son Michael Asher) and Jim Corcoran (with artists Laddie John Dill and Peter Alexander.)

Seated at adjoining tables at Manny Zwaaf’s Rangoon Racquet Club: Milton Berle and Steve Martin. They kept the waiters in stitches all night.

The early morning power breakfast is alive and well at the Regency Club. The other day the wheeler-dealers talking over their popovers, omelets and yogurt included UCLA deans Clay LaForce and Robert Gray; Dr. John Kelly with attorney William Winslow; investment specialist Steve Kirch with attorney Dennis Hill; Joe Troy and Carl Rheuban talking over plans for the Music Center; Fred Roberts; Franklin Rohner; Dan Greenberg and former astronaut Buzz Aldrin with Dr. Thomas Paine.


Lunching together at the Bistro Garden: Barbara Sinatra, Bea Korshak, Jolene Schlatter and Connie Towers Gavin.

Here and there in Monte Carlo: David Murdock and sons David Jr. and Justin were at the Hotel de Paris; Carol Welles Doheny Karabian is staying at Rex and Ingrid Ingram’s place; oil and movie man Marvin Davis, wife Barbara and youngest daughter Dana are aboard the Ingrams’ yacht, the Southerly, which the Davises have chartered for a few weeks; and strolling around Prince Rainier’s principality--Prince Nicky Toumanoff, Paris art dealer Etienne Sassi, Houston’s Lester Rutledge, Switzerland’s Nancy Choppard.

The parties at this time of the year run into each other. On one recent night, tough-dealing New York attorney Roy Cohn gave a dinner party at Le Pirate. (That’s where it’s OK to break glasses and plates against the walls; the host pays for the damage, naturally.) His guests included Ricky di Portanova’s father Count Paolo and his wife Rita; Viscountess Rothermere (Pat Harmsworth); Prince and Princess Youka Troubetzkoy (Cohn is staying with them at their Eze sur Mer villa); Jayne and Henry Berger; international banker Peter Bosshard and his wife Dolores; Princess Vera Rachevsky; Peter Frazer and Dick Mayo. The Henry Bergers chose the Hotel de Paris’ Bar Americain (for cocktails) and the Terrace Room (for dinner) for their gathering that included Charlene Nederlander (her husband, theatrical impresario Jimmy Nederlander, who’s been spending time in Los Angeles, joins her this weekend); Prince Louis de Polignac with croquet champ Cathy Tankoos; Donina Cicogna, New York’s Richard and Debbie Kessler; London’s Hannah and Gerry Marcow and Ruth Lachman whose date was Crawford Greenleaf. The Marcows had a party, too. Theirs was in the Hotel de Paris’ plushest suite which is named for Winston Churchill. Their guest list included the Duchess de Lopez, Alain Boucheron, Paul Gallico’s widow Virginia, diva Mariana Negulesco, Rene Croesi, who is director of the Monte Carlo Philharmonic, and Monte Carlo’s leading dentist Dr. Yves Fissole and his wife, Michelle.
