
Southland Sailing : 13 Predicted-Log Champions Compete Today at Long Beach

Fifteen predicted-log racing champions from 13 regional member associations of the North America Cruiser Assn. are in the midst of final preparation for the 13th annual North American Invitational cruiser navigation contest to be held at Long Beach Yacht Club today, starting at 9 a.m.

The contestants have been selected by their respective associations based on their demonstrated navigational ability.

Navigational contests are not races, but rather tests of skill in navigating a powerboat on a given course based on predictions filed by the skipper beforehand. The skipper with the lowest percentage of error is the winner.


The contestant must predict the time he will round each control point based on a pre-selected speed and taking into consideration wind and currents. He is allowed only the use of his engine tachometer during the contest. An impartial observer and a scrutinizer on board, neither of whom is allowed to know the skipper’s predictions, have the only timepiece.

Today’s contest will be on a course of approximately 50 miles, covering an area from Point Vicente, west of Los Angeles Harbor, to Newport Beach.

Because of the impracticality of transporting their own vessels, contestants will draw for boats provided by local owners.


This year’s North American Invitational is sponsored by the Southern California Cruiser Assn., which includes 18 Southern California Yacht Clubs.

More than 60 Etchells-22 teams will start competing Wednesday for the world championship of the class. Newport Harbor Yacht Club is host for the event. Racing will take place on the circle off the Santa Ana River jetty.

Teams are on hand from Hong Kong, Australia and Europe, as well as the United States.
