
Giant Egg Carton on Tour

An egg is an egg, right?

Not to the producers in California’s $400-million egg industry. For one thing, there are the 8 billion California eggs sent to market each year, and then there are all those other eggs from neighboring states that compete for sales--sometimes, the Californians complain, driving prices below production costs.

The poultry farmers formed the California Egg Commission last year to help expand egg consumption and develop new markets by promoting the nutritional value of eggs. Accomplishing that, the commission reasoned, requires some “missionary” work among Californians to raise their loyalty to the California-produced product.

One vehicle for doing this spent the last week touring the Southland--a truck hauling a flatbed trailer masquerading as a 20-foot-long egg carton. This week, it begins the lasts leg of an 1,800-mile tour through California that began in Sacramento on July 16, which Gov. George Deukmejian proclaimed “California Fresh Egg Day.”


The tour aims to call attention to a new egg-shaped logo that will be used to call shoppers’ attention to “California fresh eggs.”
