
Energy Plant Plan Criticized

The Aug. 1 article in The Times concerning the proposed Irwindale plant angered me. It explains the reason the project was promoted and $395 million in bonds were sold before the plant was even approved.

Charles Martin, part-time city manager and city attorney, was paid $500,000; Dennis Enright, financial consultant on the bond issue, was paid $493,750, and $400,000 was paid to another law firm, which appears to be quite a significant amount of money. Charles Imbrecht, state energy commissioner, displayed poor judgment in writing a letter for the project’s promoters. To avoid any look of impropriety, he should immediately disqualify himself from voting on this project.

Mayor Forest Tennant of West Covina is to be applauded for his role in fighting this plant because of concerns of additional health and pollution problems.


Pacific Waste Management has never built or operated a trash incineration plant. It will be the largest in the United States, yet it does not need an environmental impact report. Why? By (the company’s) own admission, the plant will emit cancer-causing and dangerous pollutants into the air, including dioxins, furans, zinc, lead, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, vinyl chloride, mercury, arsenic, etc.

The San Gabriel Valley has been the “Valley of the Dumps,” and we have seen the health problems it brought residents and their children. Let’s not now become the “Valley of the Garbage Burners.” San Gabriel Valley has more smoggy days than any other area in L.A. County. Why add more?

Most mayors are taking a wait-and-see attitude and putting their heads in the sand. Concerned citizens must therefore make this decision. Join the hundreds, and eventually thousands, who have already signed petitions so this project doesn’t get off the ground. Join the fight for clean air. If Pacific Waste Management is so gung ho on this project, let them build it in Beverly Hills.


Phyllis Rabins

