
Panel Seeks Commissioners

The Orange County Commission on the Status of Women is looking for women from all five supervisorial districts who are interested in serving as commissioners.

Carol Hatch, executive director of the commission, said applicants should be interested in women’s issues and able to devote up to 20 hours a month to the job.

“They should be women who are really aware about the needs of today’s women and are willing to go out and work for those needs,” she added.


Two-year terms are already open in Supervisor Roger Stanton’s 1st District, Supervisor Harriett Wieder’s 2nd District and Supervisor Ralph Clark’s 4th District. There will be an opening in Supervisor Tom Riley’s 5th District in October and in Supervisor Bruce Nestande’s 3rd District in November, Hatch said.

Women interested in applying for the posts may contact their supervisors.
